
Siru Mobile API provides a way for a merchant to accept payments from a customer via the customer's mobile phone. Customer is billed on his mobile phone bill.


Term Meaning
Siru Mobile That’s us our payment gateway!
Merchant That’s your boss, probably. Someone who sells some product payable with our payment gateway
Customer, End user That’s someone using your application, paying for his purchase with our payment gateway
Variant Our payment gateway contains several methods of payment or sub-API’s, so to say. We call these “variants”. Don't worry, we will tell you what variant to use.
Purchase A purchase (transaction) in Siru Mobile payment gateway

Get Started

Integrating to Siru Mobile is easy and quick, just follow these simple steps.

  1. Contact us so we can discuss where you will be using Siru Mobile payments.
  2. We provide you with sandbox credentials and details on testing and integration.
  3. Read this documentation from top to bottom.
  4. Code and test your application against our sandbox.
  5. When ready to go live, contact us for production environment credentials.

SDK and integrations

We publish both ready-made libraries and a reference / example shop implementation at GitHub. It’s all free software and open source, so feel free to use them. Contributions and pull requests are appreciated!


For integration and testing we provide a sandbox environment that does not use actual money. Here you can test your integration all you want and when ready, switch to production environment. Urls are the same for both environments. Only the endpoint changes.

Environment Endpoint


Requests and responses are authenticated by a signature created using request values and merchant secret we have provided.

Contact Siru Mobile to receive your credentials. We will first provide credentials to Sandbox environment and when you are ready to go live, we will provide you with another set of credentials for production. You may receive separate credentials for each country where you are integrating.

Payment API

Create payment


Creates a new payment at Siru Mobile. You post the required parameters as JSON object in the request body. The API responds with unique UUID for the purchase and a URL where the end-user should be redirected to complete the payment.


POST /payment.json

curl --request POST \
    --url \
    --header 'content-type: application/json' \
    --data "$JSON"
// Siru PHP-SDK provides helpers to sends requests
$signature = new \Siru\Signature($merchantId, $secret);
$api = new \Siru\API($signature);

try {

    $transaction = $api->getPaymentApi()
        ->set('variant', 'variant1')
        ->set('purchaseCountry', 'SE')
        ->set('basePrice', '5.00')
        ->set('redirectAfterSuccess', '')
        ->set('redirectAfterFailure', '')
        ->set('redirectAfterCancel', '')
        ->set('customerNumber', '0701234567')
        ->set('customerReference', 'c12345')
        ->set('customerEmail', '')
        ->set('customerLocale', 'sv_SE')
        ->set('title', 'Game voucher')

    header('location: ' . $transaction['redirect']);

} catch(\Siru\Exception\InvalidResponseException $e) {
    // Connection to API failed
} catch(\Siru\Exception\ApiException $e) {
    // Error in request
    foreach($e->getErrorStack() as $error) {
        // Log error

Example of JSON payload



Some fields are required and some are optional. To improve user experience, you should include even optional fields when available. Some fields are only required for some variants.

Field Required Format Description
variant yes String The API variant. 'variant1', 'variant2', 'variant3' or 'variant4'.
merchantId yes Integer Your merchant id provided by Siru.
submerchantReference String If same merchant id is used on multiple sites, you must use this field to identify the originating site. For example domain name or brand name.
purchaseCountry yes Country The country where you sell the item. Currently supported are 'FI', 'SE', 'NO', 'GB', 'AT' and 'DE'
purchaseReference String Your internal ID for the purchase. These will be visible in the merchant's control panel.
customerReference String Your internal ID for the customer. These will be visible in the merchant's control panel.
customerLastName DE String Customer's last name, shown in the merchant panel.
customerFirstName DE String Customer's first name, shown in the merchant panel.
customerPersonalId DE Personal ID Customer's personal ID (national ID, social security number) or birthdate in Germany in YYYYMMDD syntax
customerEmail String Customer's email address, shown in the merchant panel
customerLocale Locale Language of the payment page. Defaults to the default locale of purchaseCountry. Currently supported 'fi_FI', 'sv_SE', 'nn_NO', 'en_GB', 'de_AT' and 'de_DE'.
redirectAfterSuccess yes URL URL where the customer is redirected after a successful payment.
redirectAfterFailure yes URL URL where the customer is redirected after an unsuccessful payment.
redirectAfterCancel yes URL URL where the customer is redirected if he cancels the payment himself, or if the system is down for maintenance.
notifyAfterSuccess URL Your callback URL to notify after a successful purchase.
notifyAfterFailure URL Your callback URL to notify after a failed purchase.
notifyAfterCancel URL Your callback URL to notify after a canceled purchase.
basePrice yes Money The price of the product or service. Siru's fees are added automatically. Price must include tax when applicable unless variant2 is used. Maximum price or available price points depend on country and your contract with Siru Mobile.
currency String Currency code is selected automatically based on purchaseCountry but can be changed manually. Payments in currency other than the default currency must be first agreed with Siru Mobile
taxClass variant1, variant2, variant4 Tax class Tax class number. Required only if purchaseCountry is listed in Tax class-table. Must be empty otherwise. See Field types.
serviceGroup variant1, variant2, variant4 Service group Service group number. Required only if purchaseCountry is listed in Service group-table. Must be empty otherwise. See Field types.
customerNumber variant1, variant4 Phone number The customer’s phone number.
title variant4 String A short title of the purchased service or product.
description String A longer description of the purchased service or product.
interval String Subscription interval. Valid values depend on your contract.
trialPeriod String Subscription trial period. Valid values depend on your contract.
instantPay variant2 integer Deprecated. When using variant2, this value must be 1.
signature yes Signature Calculated hash for the request. See Signature calculation.

Example response

    "purchase": {


A JSON object with success boolean indicating if request was successful. If request was successful, object includes a unique id for the transaction and URL where user should be redirected.

If request was not successful, response includes errors array with all error messages. The errors should not be shown to end-user but instead logged for later.

Variants and testing

Siru Mobile provides different methods of payment which we call "variants". What variants are available to you depend on your contract with Siru.


This variant is for older phones where payment is made by calling a premium rate number. You must call from a mobile phone subscription from selected country and you can not be roaming.

You can use your own mobile phone, or we can provide a Skype number for testing. In sandbox, no actual charges are made and only mobile operator call prices apply.

Countries Testing in sandbox
FI Available price points for basePrice are 5.00, 10.00, 15.00 and 25.00.
SE Available price points for basePrice are 2.50, 5.00 and 10.00.


This variant is only available in Finland. It allows a fast online payment when using mobile internet connection. The purchase is billed on users mobile subscription.

Countries Testing in sandbox
FI To simulate an error during payment, use basePrice 30.50 or 30.60.

In sandbox, you can use any internet connection to confirm payment. No actual charges are made.

Feature detection API will always return true when in sandbox.


This is a digital wallet where customer can deposit money with various means (Siru Mobile payment gateway, for example) and use it everywhere where the wallet is an accepted payment method. When using Siru Mobile gateway to topup Wallet, variant1 limitations also apply.

The basePrice can be anything between 0.10 and 500.00.

Countries Testing in sandbox
FI, SE, NO Use your own mobile number.

When using Siru Mobile gateway to top up Wallet, variant1 limitations also apply.

We can provide you with a test wallet for testing with fake money already deposited.


Variant4 is a fast online payment currently available in UK, Austria and Germany

The maximum basePrice depends on the target country and your contract with Siru, but it is usually between 30-50EUR

Countries Testing in sandbox
GB Use your own mobile number or one of the test numbers that we provide
AT You must use the test number and one fixed price point that we provide
DE You must use the test number, name, birthdate and one fixed price point that we provide

Signature calculation

$secret = 'MySecretFromSiruMobile';
$fields = array(
    'variant' => 'variant1',
    'merchantId' => '123123',
    'purchaseCountry' => 'FI',
    'basePrice' => '12.34',
    'taxClass' => 3,
    'serviceGroup' => 3,
    'customerNumber' => '050 123 4567',
    // ...
$fields = array_filter($fields); // Drop empty fields
ksort($fields); // Sort by field name
$signature = hash_hmac("sha512", implode(';', $fields), $secret);

The data must be signed using a hash from certain values in data and the merchant's secret. The signature is calculated as follows:

  1. Take all the fields from the table below that match the variant being used.

  2. Drop all values that are empty.

  3. Sort values by the field name.

  4. Concatenate the values of those fields in that order, with a semicolon (‘;’) as a separator.

  5. Take a SHA512-HMAC with the resulting string as data and the merchant's secret as the key.

Field Variants
basePrice All
currency All
customerNumber Variant1 and variant4 only
customerPersonalId All
customerReference All
description Variant4 only
trialPeriod Variant2 only
instantPay Variant2 only
interval Variant2 and Variant4 only
merchantId All
notifyAfterCancel All
notifyAfterFailure All
notifyAfterSuccess All
purchaseCountry All
purchaseReference All
serviceGroup Variant1, variant2 and variant4 only
submerchantReference All
taxClass Variant1, variant2 and variant4 only
title Variant2 and variant4 only
variant All

Field types


An UTF-8 string with a maximum length of 255 characters.


A non-negative JSON integer that fits into 32 bits.


A ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country code in upper case. Example 'FI'.


The format is {Language code}_{Country code} i.e. like most POSIX locales. Supported locales are fi_FI, sv_SE, nn_NO, en_GB (default), de_AT and de_DE are supported.

Phone number

Phone number can be sent either in international MSISDN format or in national format in which case the API automatically converts the number to international format based on purchaseCountry value. A leading + character and any spaces are ignored.

Examples of valid phone numbers: 358501234567, +358 50 1234567, 0501234567, 050 123 4567

More information


Money fields must be given as a string with a decimal point (not a comma) and two decimal places. The two decimal places must be given even when zero. The currency is determined by the purchaseCountry field. Examples: 13.50, 0.20, 7.15

Personal ID

If end-users personal ID is provided, Siru will compare this to available KYC data and automatically blocks payment if it does not match with users verified personal ID number. In Germany, this value is required. In other countries, this feature is only available upon request.


An UTF-8 string that is a valid URL. The maximum length is 1024 characters. The validation is strict, so use strictly valid urls like instead of

For redirect URLs, the following parameters are added to the query. For notification URLs, the parameters are sent in a JSON object in POST body.

Parameter Format Description
siru_uuid String Siru's unique identifier for the purchase. 36 characters long.
siru_merchantId Integer The merchantId given in the request.
siru_submerchantReference String The submerchantReference given in the request.
siru_purchaseReference String The purchaseReference given in the request.
siru_event String One of the following: success, failure or cancel.
siru_signature String See below.

siru_signature is similar to the request's signature and you must use it to validate authenticity of the parameters. It is calculated by concatenating the values (including empty values) of siru_uuid, siru_merchantId, siru_submerchantReference, siru_purchaseReference and siru_event (in that order) with a semicolon (‘;’) as a separator and taking a SHA512-HMAC with the resulting string as data and the merchant secret as key.

If your redirect page does anything that depends on the purchase being completed successfully, then you must verify that siru_signature and siru_event are correct! Attacker may try and direct his browser to send failure parameters to the success URL.

The customer may fail to arrive at any of the redirect URLs for various reasons, such as connection loss or user error. Relying on the notifyAfter* URLs for purchase confirmation is therefore recommended, even though it is takes some extra effort.

Your server should respond to the notification with HTTP 200 code. If the notification fails, either due to a network error or with a non-200 code, then it is retried for 7 days. This time limit may change in the future.

Tax class

This specifies the Value Added Tax class. If your country is not listed here, leave this field empty.

Num. Countries VAT %
0 Finland 0%
1 Finland 10%
2 Finland 14%
3 Finland 24%

Tax classes may be added, changed and removed as legislation changes. Siru will notify merchants in advance of such changes. Tax class number 0 will, however, always mean a 0% VAT.

More information

Service group

This specifies the service group of the product or service. If your country is not listed here, leave this field empty.

Num. Countries FICORA title
1 Finland Non-profit services
2 Finland Online services
3 Finland Entertainment services
4 Finland Adult entertainment services

A customer's phone subscription may bar calls to certain service groups. The service groups also show up on the customer's phone bill breakdown. If multiple service groups apply, then the group with the highest number must be chosen. Contact Siru for further advice if you have any doubt.

The service group scheme may change as legislation changes. Siru will notify merchants in advance if any changes are required.

More information


SHA512-HMAC hash calculated from selected field values and merchant's secret. See Signature calculation.

Common pitfalls

We have gathered here some of the more common mistakes you might encounter during integration.

Invalid mobile number

We use very strict validation for phone numbers ie. the customerNumber field. See Phone number. You should validate phone number carefully. Often we see numbers with missing 0 prefix (national format), missing country code (international format) or with both 0 and country code prefix which is invalid.

Examples of invalid values: 3580501234567, 501234567

Invalid price point

When integrating variant1 payments, the allowed values for base price might be limited to a set of fixed price points. Also note that the price points are different between staging- and production environments. Attempt to create payment with price that is not one of the allowed price points or that exceeds the agreed maximum price for the country, will result in an error.

With other variants, there are no fixed price points but there is still a maximum payment amount.

Details of the allowed base price values are sent with your API credentials.

Invalid variant for given country

Usually we have only enabled one variant per country for you to use. For example variant3 in Norway and variant1 in Finland. If you mix these, the API call will result in an error.

Monitoring errors

You and we at Siru want to keep the end-users happy and not miss any sales. If a bug has made its way to your code and the API call fails, we log the error automatically. You can monitor failed API calls from our Merchant panel. Contact us if you have not received your credentials to our Merchant panel.


If you have subscriptions enabled with Siru Mobile, you can create a new payment that is automatically renewed on agreed upon intervals. When using subscriptions, there are some things you must take in to account.


To receive notification when payment is renewed, you must provide notifyAfterSuccess URL. This is the only way to know when payment has been renewed.

Purchase reference and UUID

When creating a new subscription, you must use a unique purchaseReference. When payment is automatically renewed, the notification will have the same purchaseReference as the original payment.

When creating a new subscription, store the UUID you receive from Payment API. You need this if you need to end subscription via API.

Subscription API

If purchase was created as a subscription which is automatically renewed by Siru at set intervals, you can cancel the subscription using this API.



Cancels active subscription.


curl --request POST \
    --url \
    --header 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{"merchantId":1,"uuid":"061d488d-ab43-458d-9b5e-0b2005595d7e","signature":"mycalculatedhash"}'

POST /payment/unsubscribe/byUuid.json


Parameter Format Value
merchantId Integer Your merchant ID
uuid String UUID of the purchase that was used to create the subscription
signature String Concatenate the values of merchantId and uuid (in that order), with ';' as a separator. Take the SHA512-HMAC of that with the merchant's secret as the key.

Response example

    "success": true



Failure response example

        "message":"Not Found"
HTTP status Reason
403 Invalid signature
404 Purchase by UUID was not found or is not a subscription

Purchase Status API

The purchase status API provides information about statuses of purchases.

There are three ways to query:

Query by purchase reference


Search transactions that match given purchase reference.


curl --request GET -G \
    --url \
    -d 'merchantId=1' \
    -d 'purchaseReference=p12345678' \
    -d 'signature=mycalculatedhash'

GET /payment/byPurchaseReference.json


Parameter Format Value
merchantId Integer Your merchant ID
submerchantReference String Submerchant reference. If not empty, only transactions from this submerchant are included. Otherwise all matching transactions are included.
purchaseReference String The purchase reference.
signature String Concatenate the values (including empty values) of merchantId, submerchantReference and purchaseReference (in that order), with ';' as the separator. Take the SHA512-HMAC of that with the merchant's secret as the key.

Response example

    "purchases": [
            "uuid": "e53c3cfc-6d5b-4af3-ae30-7ae7812c9cf7",
            "status": "unconfirmed",
            "basePrice": "12.34",
            "finalPrice": "12.55",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "createdAt": "2013-06-13T12:51:33+0200",
            "startedAt": "2013-06-13T12:51:58+0200",
            "finishedAt": null,
            "customerNumber": "358501234567"


JSON object with a single property "purchases" which contains array of matching transactions.

Query by uuid


Find a single transaction by UUID.


curl --request GET -G \
    --url \
    -d 'merchantId=1' \
    -d 'uuid=061d488d-ab43-458d-9b5e-0b2005595d7e' \
    -d 'signature=mycalculatedhash'

GET /payment/byUuid.json


Parameter Format Value
merchantId Integer Your merchant ID
uuid String The UUID to query by
signature String Concatenate the values of merchantId and uuid (in that order), with ';' as a separator. Take the SHA512-HMAC of that with the merchant's secret as the key.


The response is a single transaction object. If UUID is not found, an error with HTTP 404 status is returned.

Query by date range


Search all transactions that were created during given time period.


# Retrieve transactions for december 2017
curl --request GET -G \
    --url \
    -d 'merchantId=1' \
    -d 'from=2017-12-01 00:00:00' \
    -d 'to=2018-01-01 00:00:00' \
    -d 'signature=mycalculatedhash'

GET /payment/byDate.json


Parameter Format Value
merchantId Integer Your merchant ID
from String Lower date limit (UTC). Purchases with this datetime will be included in the result. Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss (2015-01-01 00:00:00).
to String Upper date limit (UTC). Purchases with this datetime will be excluded from the result. Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss (2015-01-01 00:00:00).
signature String Concatenate the values of merchantId, from and to (in that order), with ';' as a separator. Take the SHA512-HMAC of that with the merchant's secret as the key.

Response example

    "purchases": [
            "id": 1234567,
            "currency": "EUR",


JSON object with a single property "purchases" which contains array of matching transactions. The transaction objects will include some additional fields for your leisure!

Response fields

Example of transaction object returned by status API

        "uuid": "e53c3cfc-6d5b-4af3-ae30-7ae7812c9cf7",
        "status": "unconfirmed",
        "basePrice": "12.34",
        "finalPrice": "12.55",
        "currency": "EUR",
        "createdAt": "2013-06-13T12:51:33+0200",
        "startedAt": "2013-06-13T12:51:58+0200",
        "finishedAt": null,
        "customerNumber": "358501234567"

The basic transaction object returned by search includes fields

Field Description
uuid Siru unique UUID for this transaction
submerchantReference Sub-merchant reference sent by you
customerReference Customer reference sent by you
purchaseReference Purchase reference sent by you
status Purchase current status, see below table
basePrice  The original price sent by you
finalPrice The price user was charged with possible commission included
currency Payment currency
createdAt ISO-8601 date when transaction was created
startedAt ISO-8601 date when customer started payment
finishedAt ISO-8601 date when purchase was finalized
customerNumber Customers phone number if available

The possible values for "status" are as follows:

Status Meaning
new Siru has received the purchase but the customer has not yet initiated payment.
unconfirmed The customer is undergoing phone number verification.
call_started The customer has initiated payment by calling Siru's payment number.
confirmed The payment is successful.
canceled The user has chosen to cancel the payment.
failed The purchase has failed due to an error. The merchant panel may provide more information.

The states confirmed, canceled and failed are final states. Any other state should be considered as intermediate and subject to change. Once purchase reaches a final state, it will not leave that state.

Backwards-compatibility is guaranteed as follows: Siru may add or remove only non-final states.


Failure response example

        "message":"Not Found"
HTTP status Reason
403 Invalid signature
404 Purchase by UUID was not found


The KYC API can be used to retrieve end-user KYC information after successful payment. KYC data is availabe for limited countries only and is available for limited time only after payment is confirmed.

This API is only available upon request. Please contact our developer support or sales if you need access to this API.

Query by uuid


Lookup KYC information for payment by UUID.


curl --request GET -G \
    --url \
    -d 'merchantId=1' \
    -d 'uuid=061d488d-ab43-458d-9b5e-0b2005595d7e' \
    -d 'signature=mycalculatedhash'

GET /payment/kyc


Parameter Format Value
merchantId Integer Your merchant ID
uuid String The UUID to query by
signature String Concatenate the values of merchantId and uuid (in that order), with ';' as a separator. Take the SHA512-HMAC of that with the merchant's secret as the key.


Example report

        "report": {
            "firstName": "James",
            "lastName": "Smith"

If KYC data is available, response JSON contains key "report" with end-users verified firstName and lastName. If UUID is not found or KYC data is no longer available, HTTP 404 is returned.


Failure response example

        "message":"Not Found"
HTTP status Reason
403 Invalid signature or KYC API is not enabled
404 Purchase was not found or KYC data is no longer available

Price API

Calculate end-user price


Siru will automatically add possible fees and commissions to transaction base price. Since the exact formula for calculating the final price is somewhat intricate and subject to change, this API allows you to calculate the final price to display it to the end-user.


curl --request GET -G \
    --url \
    -d 'variant=variant1' -d 'merchantId=18' -d 'purchaseCountry=FI' -d 'taxClass=3' -d 'basePrice=15.00'

GET /payment/price.json


Parameter Format Value
variant String variant1 or variant4
merchantId Integer Your merchant ID
submerchantReference (optional) String Submerchant reference, if any.
purchaseCountry Country The country where the merchant sells the item.
Tax class The tax class number.
basePrice Money The price of the product with VAT included.
String The JSONP callback name, if you are using JSONP.

Response example

    "finalCallPrice": "13.57"


Response is a JSON object with single property "finalCallPrice".

Failure response example

    "error": "technical error message in English"


If an error occurs, the response is a JSON object with single property "error" with error message. The error message should not be shown to end user.

Get maximum base price


Siru imposes a limit on the maximum price of a purchase. The limit is fairly stable, so it may be acceptable to hard-code it into your application. Nevertheless, the limit can be retrieved through a JSON API.


curl --request GET -G \
    --url \
    -d 'variant=variant1' -d 'merchantId=18' -d 'purchaseCountry=FI' -d 'taxClass=3'

GET /payment/maxPrice.json


Parameter Format Value
variant String variant1
merchantId Integer Your merchant ID
String Submerchant reference, if any
purchaseCountry Country The country where the merchant sells the item.
Tax class The tax class number.
callback (optional) String The JSONP callback name, if you are using JSONP.

Response example

    "maxBasePrice": "39.40",
    "maxFinalCallPrice": "40.00"


Response is a JSON object with two properties

Field Description
maxBasePrice The maximum available base price.
maxFinalCallPrice The final price of maxBasePrice.

Failure response example

    "error": "technical error message in English"


Errors are JSON objects with single property "error". The error message should not be shown to end user. Response will include one of the following HTTP status codes.

HTTP status Description
404 One of the request parameters was invalid
500 An unknown error

Feature detection API

Check IP-address


The Feature detection API can be used to verify if IP Payments (variant2) are available for given IP-address.


curl --request GET -G \
    --url \
    -d 'merchantId=18' -d 'ip=' -d 'signature=mycalculatedhash'

GET /payment/ip/feature-check


Parameter Format Value
merchantId Integer Your merchant ID
ip String End-users IP address
signature String Concatenate the values (including empty values) of merchantId and ip (in that order), with ';' as the separator. Take the SHA512- HMAC of that with the merchant's secret as the key.

Response example

    "ipPaymentsEnabled": true



Failure response example


Errors are JSON objects with single property "error". Response will include one of the following HTTP status codes.

HTTP status Description
403 Invalid signature

API operational status

Check API status


Check operational status of Siru Mobile API.


curl -w "%{http_code}" --url

GET /status




The response HTTP status code will tell you the operational status of the API.

HTTP status Description
200 Siru Mobile is up and all should be well.
503 Siru Mobile is temporarily down for maintenance. Usually this doesn't last longer than a few minutes.
500 There is a problem with Siru Mobile API. You should never get this response from status query.


Occasionally we will do maintenance on Siru Mobile API which may require a temporary down time. Don't worry: we handle all your customers' ongoing purchases gracefully and (if the need for maintenance isn't surprising or urgent) you should also know about all our maintencance windows in advance.